Productive Capacity Expansion Works
Work performed in the unity of Iguaçu Celulose in Piraí do Sul-PR.
- Buildings of the boiler, deaerator and lime mud, floors, foundations, warehouses and tanks
- Expansion of water treatment station
- Discharge, pulping, dumping, hopper and belt systems
- Area: 2336 m2
- Excavation and backfill: 6560 m3
- Precast piles, strauss piles, root piles and metal piles: 6322 m2
- Steel for reinforced concrete: 66 tonnes
- Formwork: 6246 m2
- Masonry: 1024 m2
- Location: Piraí do Sul – PR
IGUAÇU CELULOSE manufactures and commercializes pulp and paper. From its four industrial units in Paraná and Santa Catarina, it produces cellulose fibre, mechanical pulp, Paraná cardboard, paper and multi-layered bags. Iguaçu is responsible for the entire timber production cycle, from the forests to final presentation. It additionally produces and markets forest-based products with quality guarantee and services for clients of a wide range of sectors.